As Yehey has developed over the past couple years, we've noticed a consistent trend of confusion on how to say "The Lost Land of Yehey" - more specifically "Yehey." So we decided to conduct a little video experiment to clear up that confusion, and the following video is the result.
Meeting the Manananggal /
This is concept art for a future episode of Yehey. Just trying to get a feel for the color palette and lighting here. This scene is Markus' first encounter with a manananggal (vampire-creature from Filipino mythology). You know what, this kid gets scared a lot…I guess it stems from my love of scary movies and vintage horror.
The Beginning - Markus and Chechi Ink Doodles /
So the wife and I have been talking about Markus and Chechi, Yehey's two main protagonists. They're obviously exaggerated cute forms of us, but they will evolve over time. For the past few months we’ve been jotting down ideas about their personalities, and they're shaping up to be great characters. We’ve also got a pretty good start and end to our first story arc, but it’s the middle that’s always fun to figure out. Prepare for adventure!