
How Do You Say "The Lost Land of Yehey"? by mark cruz

As Yehey has developed over the past couple years, we've noticed a consistent trend of confusion on how to say "The Lost Land of Yehey" - more specifically "Yehey." So we decided to conduct a little video experiment to clear up that confusion, and the following video is the result.

Meeting Sasquatch by Mark Anthony Cruz

Meeting Sasquatch
Finished! Finally cleaned up all the colors, and inked the characters' interior-lines.  I also added some lighting effects and a bit of noise to add some texture. So finally our two adventurers finally meet the illusive Sasquatch. He’s definitely a nice guy, really down to earth. We made plans to go grab a pizza later this pepperoni though.  He's a vegetarian.

Meeting Sasquatch - WIP 01 by Mark Anthony Cruz

Meeting Sasquatch - WIP01
Got a few requests on my workflow, so here it is.  First I start with a mildly clean sketch, like this one. Then I adjust a few things about the sketch, like levels, contrast and noise reduction.   Here Markus and Chechi are meeting Bigfoot for the first time. Yep, I imagine the good old Sasquatch would take a liking to these charming wanderers.  Oh Sasquatch…I wish I could meet you fo’ reals-ies!